Nonsense word generator

It has taken me some time to get over my bout of seasgouts so that I could expoon another batch of shmeash for you, but do not fear, I live, breathe, and quipmeomenner as in my youthful days. My birepuckless friend AC passed on this most practical and pussectionout website, the “nonsense word generator”:

It’s no-frills–but on command gives a long list of neologisms–new words–but these are not random. Apparently, this digital starry dynamo takes the most common English phonemes and puts them together into units that generally are morphologically correct, pronounceable, partially recognizable, even in terms of semi-semantics, to create non-words that pretend to be real words. This is a secret of good neologism creation, to keep the balance of meaning and non-meaning. Go there now unless you’re feeling a bit wardic or under the unworty.